Our globetrotter and energy professional

Fabian loves breaking new ground. Discoveries that take him further in his private and professional life.
“Sometimes I’m surprised myself.” Fabian and his backpack have already seen the whole world and that’s not all. There are stories that you can only hear far away from home or civilization. And that is exactly what attracts the Schauenstein local to his hobby. The stories and experiences he brings home with him from every trip.

Specialist for energy, the environment and quality at Rudi Göbel
Fabian Greim is our specialist for energy, environmental and quality management at Rudi Göbel. It all began with his apprenticeship as a technical drafter, which he successfully completed in 2003. This was followed by positions in the measuring room and as head of packaging management. In 2014, he moved to operational organization. Even then, he sensed how important his knowledge would become for our company in the future.
”In this business unit you gain insights into all areas of the company, reduce energy flows and consumption. Expand your horizons every day
Fabian GreimSpecialist for energy, environment and quality
Constantly on the road or expeditions!
A longing for the unknown is one of the reasons why he needs traveling to find his inner balance. Yet he has never been able to get excited about all-inclusive vacations. Simply off-trail with a backpack is his motto – whether it’s in Nepal, Asia, USA, Australia or Africa.

”Wherever you are, you are bound to come across someone from Upper Franconia. I met a Moroccan in the train station in Marrakesh who had lived in Bad Alexandersbad. And a woman from Hof in a restaurant in Kathmandu. The world is small!
Fabian GreimSpecialist for energy, environment and quality
”We'll get you out of there once!
Frank PichlerManagement
With all his travels, Fabian also inevitably ends up in regions that are politically unstable or dangerous. Striking airlines, freak weather or car breakdowns are the least of his problems. “I remember my trip to the Middle East very well. Even then, there was an increased risk of terrorism and the situation was very tense. Just before I left, Mr. Pichler approached me and said with a twinkle in his eye: We’ll get you out of there once, but not a second time.”
Today, as a new father and family man, Fabian is scaling back a bit. “If my kids have just a little bit of my genes, I’m confident that we’ll all be off on family expeditions very soon. Currently, we manage it once a year. And then it tends to be to a fun family resort in the Alps (grins).”
Rudi Göbel image video
Just another day at Rudi Göbel. First-hand insights.

Personal contact
Florian Oertel
Thank you for your interest in our vacancies. Do you have any questions about your application? Or would you like to send us an unsolicited application? Then please feel free to email me or give me a call.